
If you haven’t seen it, let me tell you, its amazing! The customization is sick. You can set your favorite teams, players, and sports. The scoreboard at the top of the main page will have your favorite teams games highlighted and placed first in the listing. The detailed scoreboard pages are clean (also with favorites highlighted and moved to the top), as are the date selections at the top of said pages. Their video has been pretty awesome for awhile now, but thankfully they’ve moved it out of the sidebar. Plus, with the customization you can set the video not to auto start! I’m starting to think this internet thing is going to catch fire.

Indie Kareoke

Go nuts!

Leinenkugel's Sunset Wheat

It tastes like Fruity Pebbles!

Strange Buildings of the World

part 1 part 2

Thoughts… Questions

If I drank a Café Américano while wearing Crest White Stripes, which would win?

If I played your grandma in fantasy football would she beat me, too? Would she talk trash?

If I lived in a post apocalyptic world would I be as nice to other people as I am in Fallout 3?

Am I too old to play video games? If yes, you’re stupid head that’s stupid.

If I added nothing to this site for two weeks would you notice?

Currently listening to:

Beating Back the Claws
of the Cold
by The Pica Beats

The Pica Beats on myspace.

Palin as President

Threadless was so two years ago. Go check out It’s a community t-shirt site, complete with threadless like voting. A new t-shirt is printed every day, and these aren’t the cheesy designs you get from Threadless. Plus, these are t-shirts are nice and soft. I’ve got a couple of them already.

Mickey in Custody

You can all breathe easy now.

Skizzor Tees!

Okay kiddos. I previously mentioned having a t-shirt design in the works, and now its available for order online! Some of you might have seen these at the LFP grand opening party. For the rest of you, we have real live photos of the t-shirts resting on our coffee table! Amazing, I know. Check out the pics below… as you can see I went with a variety of colors for the men and only two colors for the women. Why? Because I’m sexist. Also, these aren’t available in bigger sizes. Why, because I want to encourage you to lose wait. Now, go out for a jog! … after you order a t-shirt (click the appropriate image below).

Also, Duane orchestrated a t-shirt design. You might as well order one of his designs, too! (men | women)

If you live in Tulsa, come visit us at LFP during the day time to save yourself from our astronomical shipping charges ($5).

Republican Immigration Haters

Might I suggest you ease your stance, lest you find yourself cleaning up after your own parties? (photo 25)

And before you submit your snide counter remarks, I have no doubt the other national convention was wrapped up in a similar manner. I just got a kick out of this picture. That’s all.