What Does It All Mean, Bazzle?

This is not you.

I recently celebrated my 29th birthday. I also recently revived this website. Coincidence? It’s hard to say really. One thing is certain. I’m getting older. But you’re no budding hibiscus yourself. You’re no baby sea turtle desperately seeking the shelter of the mysterious sea. You already stink of salty water, and unlike the baby sea turtle, you must realize that nothing can save you from your eventual doom. But that’s certainly no reason to give up. Really though, I’ve come to terms with getting older. It’s all a person can do really.

One thing I am concerned about is my (seemingly) sudden need for your attention. Why do I seek your spotlight? I can’t say with any degree of certainty. Perhaps it was my short lived celebrity status as music editor for Square Magazine. One taste of fame and I’m suddenly in buffet mode. I’m not talking about trips to the salad bar here. I want the good stuff.

Take this post, for example. I don’t really have anything to say. Yet, here I sit, pecking away, trying to entertain you. I’ll give up for now, and maybe something brilliant will strike tomorrow.

KEXP's Songs of the Day